Now Featuring GroupWise 24.x

GroupWise 24.x is now available, and all Hosted GroupWise customers automatically have access to GroupWise 24.x. For new customers, GroupWise 24.x will be installed from the start of your service. For existing customers, you will receive a notification regarding the scheduling of your GroupWise 24.x upgrade.

GroupWise Messenger is now available and included with your HostedGroupWise service.

The GroupWise address book has been redeveloped and the legacy Microsoft “MAPI” component has been eliminated, allowing better GroupWise Client stability and feature enhancements.

The GroupWise Client features a new and improved mailbox and folder display control, improved and simplified panels, a fresh and improved color scheme, improved conversation threading, and improved Microfocus FILR integration.

GroupWise WebAcess integrates with Gwava 6.5 for antivirus control. (Gwava 6.5 requires a separate license and implementation to your Hosted GroupWise service)

GMS version 18 supports ActiveSync 16.0 which provides enhanced calendar reliability, calendar attachments, and syncing of the drafts folder.

Benefits of a Hosted GroupWise System

  • Multiple Connection Options: Access from mobile and other smartphones, MS Outlook, WebAccess from a browser or tablet, and full GroupWise Clients from your desktop PC.
  • Always on latest publicly released version. Eliminate server upgrade projects.
  • GroupWise licensing costs are included

  • Eliminates server hardware expenses and frees up valuable server space.
  • Overall simplifies your IT Department and reduces support costs for GroupWise users.
  • Cuts cooling, electrical, and other related overhead expenses.
  • Allows you to spend your time on other important business functions. Results in less stress, fewer headaches, and more life satisfaction.
  • Systems are replicated nightly for easy recovery from catastrophic system failure.
  • Gateway Anti-virus and Anti-spam are included

Why Hosted GroupWise

Don’t have technical expertise on staff? Tired of maintaining and supporting your own systems?  A hosted GroupWise system is a great way to offload the hassles of an on-premise GroupWise server so you can focus on other business issues.

When you have a problem or need changes, just call or email for personalized service. Emergency or outage support is available 24/7 and general issues and troubleshooting is available any time during business hours.

You never have to worry about your systems. We take care of it. All maintenance, service, support, and upgrades are included so you don’t have to think about it. Spend time on other projects.

Hosted GroupWise services are available to customers with 25 or more mailboxes and are dedicated virtual systems hosted in a secure data center in Tempe, Arizona.

Business class servers are hosted in a secure data center in the Phoenix Metro area with restricted access, biometric access points, temperature and humidity control, redundant power, and high speed data lines.

Flexible packages available with Dedicated System plans on virtual or physical hosts. We’ll even customize a plan to best meet the needs of your business.

Our Hosted GroupWise comes with unlimited as-needed support provided by GroupWise industry expert(s).

All of our Hosted GroupWise packages are fixed price with absolutely no overages. Ever.

Access GroupWise with the GroupWise Client, GroupWise WebAccess, or a variety of mobile phones.
Based on your business needs for Backup and/or Archiving, we will design and implement an appropriate solution as an add-on hosted service in our datacenter.

GroupWise Hosting Plans

Our GroupWise Hosting Package is a great option for most companies that demand the power, privacy, and security of a dedicated GroupWise system. There are no functional limitations with Hosted GroupWise, and all GroupWise features are available.

Features and Benefits

  • Pricing includes all licenses necessary to run the GroupWise system.
  • Flat Monthly Pricing with no overages or trivial usage charges.

  • Includes up to 250GB storage per Post Office.

  • Full GroupWise Client access.  Includes full access with the GroupWise Windows Client.

  • Full GroupWise WebAccess Client. Includes full access from a web browser or tablet with GroupWise WebAccess.

  • GroupWise Mobility Service. Includes full access to GroupWise on supported Android, iPhone, and other Smart Phones.

  • All features and functionalities can be enabled and used within the environment. Note: 3rd Party integration with other apps is available for an additional fee.

  • Support, Troubleshooting, and Management of the system is included.
  • Operating System is patched regularly, and GroupWise updates are applied whenever new patches become publicly available. You’ll always be running the latest version.
  • System is replicated nightly for Disaster Recovery purposes. Other Backup and Recovery options are available for an additional fee.

  • Your GroupWise system is hosted on its own dedicated and isolated virtual server. Your system is secure and won’t be impacted by other customers resource allocation and usage patterns.
  • *NEW* Now includes GroupWise Messenger as part of the service at no additional cost.

Simple Pricing Model

Small to Midsize (5-200 Mailboxes)

$575 Base Price / Month
  • Plus $6 / Month / User
  • 5-200 Mailboxes
  • Single Post Office

Large Business (200+ Mailboxes)

$750 per Month / Post Office
  • Plus $8 / Month / User
  • 200+ Users
  • Multiple Post Office Options

Reasons You’ll Love Hosted GroupWise

Enterprise and Custom GroupWise Hosting

With an Enterprise Hosting plan, GroupWise and a variety of 3rd party integrated solutions can be customized to meet your specific business needs.

Call or Email

Ready to discuss your specific environment or needs? Just give Marvin Huffaker a call. Or email Marvin and provide information relevant to your GroupWise system and business needs.

Phone: (480) 988-7215

Options Available

  • Dedicated virtual or physical servers

  • Custom Post Office Configurations

  • Scalable to 1000’s of users

  • Flexible and Custom Storage

  • Many 3rd Party Integration Options

  • Backup/Restoration/Disaster Recovery Options

  • Archiving and Data Retention


Here are a few samples of ways to customize your Hosted GroupWise package.

Add a Gwava Reload server to your plan for immediate access to backups and full Disaster Recovery options.
Implement policy-based archiving for litigation support and regulatory compliance.
Need to integrate with Novell Vibe or connect to an LDAP source for management? Not a problem.
Whatever your needs are for scalability and manageability, we can configure the system to accommodate. Whether it is multiple Post Offices, GWIA’s, or WebAccess agents.
If you demand minimal downtime, we can implement Novell Clustering to ensure the GroupWise agents are online at all times, and can be migrated to other nodes in the event of failure or needed system maintenance.
Your GroupWise system can be configured with either Bare Metal physical servers or highly optimized Virtual systems.